IT의 힘으로, AI의 미래로!

숭실대학교 IT대학 AI융합학부


  • MISys Lab
    Mobility Intelligence and Computing Systems Laboratory

    담당교수 : 김강희, 이길호
    연구실 위치 : 형남공학관 430호
    연구실 구성원 : 박사수료 1명, 석사생 연구원 3명, 인턴

    연구실 목표 및 분야
    - 자율주행 컴퓨팅 시스템, AI Edge 컴퓨팅 플랫폼, IoT/CPS/임베디드시스템 등

    수행 중인 연구과제
    - 고신뢰 자율 주행 시스템을 위한 결함 허용 실시간 시스템 가상화 기술 연구 (한국연구재단, 2017년-2020년)
    - SD-TSN: 사이버-물리 시스템을 위한 소프트웨어 정의 TSN 기술 연구 (한국연구재단, 2020년-2022년)

  • DC Lab
    Distributed Computing Laboratory

    담당교수 : 노동건
    연구실 위치 : 형남공학관 1101호
    연구실 구성원 : 박사후연구원 1명, 박사재학 1명, 석사 재학 4명

    연구실 목표 및 분야
    - Distributed Computing involves multiple entities talking to one another in some way, while also performing their own operations. DCLab is doing research related to “Intelligent Distributed Computing”. We are dreaming of the future when IoT meets AI.
    - Intelligent IoT (IIoT, AIoT), Edge AI, Green IoT

    수행 중인 연구과제
    - 에너지 수집형 IoT 엣지 컴퓨팅 환경에서 사용자 QoE를 높이기 위한 태스크 오 프로딩 및 근사 컴퓨팅 기법 (연구재단, 2021~2024)
    - 지능형 사이버위협 대응기술 개발 및 인력양성 (IITP, 2020~2025)

  • Vision
    System Laboratory

    담당교수 : 한영준
    연구실 위치 : 형남공학관 431호
    연구실 구성원 : 박사수료 3명, 석사 재학 3명, 인턴 2명

    연구실 목표 및 분야
    - 머신러닝 기반 비젼시스템, 자율주행 로봇 및 자동차, 얼굴인식 및 물체인식
    수행 중인 연구과제
    - 고령화 세대에게 개인별 특화된 복지 서비스를 제공하기 위한 빅데이터 기반의 서비스 로봇 개발 (2014.07~ 현재)

  • 담당교수 : 신동화
    연구실 목표 및 분야
    - The advance of modern computing systems is limited by the power and thermal problems that result from rapid increases in device densities and operating speeds. The trend towards mobile computing with battery-driven devices naturally puts a premium on low-power systems; and fixed systems are also candidates for this technology, because of the move from an electricity grid based on continuous generation from fossil fuel to distributed generation reliant on fluctuating environmental energy sources. The concept of energy-efficient system design is thus essential to the future direction of computing systems.

    - Energy-aware computing lab. (ECLab) conducts research on the energy-efficient computing systems design in at various levels, including RTL, PCB, OS, and application software. Current research topics includes i) Hardware security with memristor devices, ii) Processing-in- memory techniques for computation acceleration for neural network applications, iii) Efficiency memory management for reconfigurable neuromorphic computing systems, iv) design automation method for quantum computing v) an integration of PCM into the DRAM-compatible system architecture considering efficiency and performance. Recently we are especially focusing on the accelerator and memory architecture for neuromorphic computing. Since modern neural network-based applications show much different behavior than the conventional applications, we should devise a new way of management of computation and memory. It is highly related to the competitiveness of the students and industry in the near future.

    (Data Analysis To Computer Systems)

    담당교수 : 이은지
    연구실 위치 : Hyungnam Engineering Building #525

    연구실 목표 및 분야
    - DATOS(Data Analysis To Computer Systems) Laboratory was established in 2014 by Prof. Eunji Lee and has been conducting research on cutting-edge software solutions for data management systems. We are currently interested in unstructured data maintenance including key-value store, object store, and I/O subsystem for next-generation applications (AI, IoT, Blockchain) and emerging memory technologies (Persistent Memory, Flash Storage). If you are interested in working with us on the areas of memory and storage systems, please email me with your resume (